On 27th May, 2009, Surfing China – the 1st international summit was held in Hangzhou. More than one hundred people from China and abroad got together to discuss how to develop the surfing industry in China. It was presented by the Water Sports Administration Centre and Administration of Sports and organized by Wabsono /GSM.
Mr. Chen Xiaoping, Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou Municipal Government addressed the summit “We are expecting surfing on the Qiantang River will bring the City of Hangzhou a wonderful, exciting and fashionable experience. At the same time, it also can improve city exposure and boost city tourism and develop other related industries.” Mr. Zhao Rongfu, the director of Hangzhou Sports Bureau, said,” The ancient Chinese rode the river in canoes 8000 years ago. Since the Tang Dynasty, it has been one of the sports events in the tidal bore watching festival.”